Checklist real estate purchase, Tips for buying property
Buying a property: how do I proceed according to plan?
Anyone who has been saving for years to buy their own home should pay heed to the most important advice about buying a property.
Jürg Zulliger (58) holds a Master of Science from the University of Zurich. Since 1995 he works as a journalist and author. He publishes on topics like real estate, construction, financing and economic issues. His articles appear regularly in various Swiss media such as "Tages-Anzeiger", Beobachter, HandelsZeitung, NZZ am Sonntag and in journals.
Checklist real estate purchase, Tips for buying property
Anyone who has been saving for years to buy their own home should pay heed to the most important advice about buying a property.
When your home is up for sale, many people overestimate their own sales talent.