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Real estate recordings

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” Using individual images, drone shots, or virtual tours by a professional photographer significantly enhances attractiveness and perception.

BasicFor residential propertiesMediumFor residential propertiesBESTSELLERProFor residential propertiesIndividualFor residential-/commercial properties

    • HD 15 images

  • HD 15 images
  • 5 Images with drone**
  • 360°-Tour Interior, examples

For new construction projects, model apartments, developments, or commercial properties, we are happy to provide individual advice.

Total CHF excl. VAT
Total CHF excl. VAT
CHF299CHF 400
CHF399CHF 700
CHF499CHF 950
OrderOrderOrderRequest consultation


For residential properties
Total CHF excl. VAT
CHF 299 CHF 400


For residential properties

    • HD 15 images

Total CHF excl. VAT
CHF 399 CHF 700


For residential properties
  • HD 15 images
  • 5 Images with drone**
  • 360°-Tour Interior, examples
Total CHF excl. VAT
CHF 499 CHF 950


For residential-/commercial properties

For new construction projects, model apartments, developments, or commercial properties, we are happy to provide individual advice.

*Drone recordings are only possible in permitted zones. An overview of the permitted zones can be found on the website of the Swiss Confederation.

What our customers say

A picture is worth a thousand words. A 360° tour speaks more than images. Thanks to our virtual 360° tours, potential tenants gain a better impression of the premises and can experience them interactively, without the need to visit the apartment in person.

Mirko Meister, Head of Vacancy Management at Wincasa AG

Markstein uses newhome’s 360° tours in marketing, allowing the prospective customer to obtain a better image of the property in advance – regardless of time and place. This helps minimize incorrect expectations, saving time and travel for both parties. If the property is suitable, there’s nothing standing in the way of a visit. A win-win situation for all.

Karin Hochuli, Head of Residential Marketing at Markstein AG

FAQ about the real estate recordings

Our photographer will take professional images of your property for you. These are edited so that your property is shown in the best light.
In addition, the pictures can also be edited so that furniture is added virtually, so that prospective buyers can already get an idea of what the lived-in property might look like.


If you want to highlight not only the object, but also the surroundings and/or the view, drone shots are ideally suited for this.

Please note that rone recordings are only possible in permitted zones.

For a virtual tour, the entire property is captured in pictures by our photographer and then edited so that a potential interested party can already walk through the property in the advertisement as if they were on site. This strengthens the first impression in contrast to pure picture.

Production takes 2 business days for HDR images and 4 business days for virtual tours from the date of the shoot.

Preparing a property for a photo session is crucial to obtain appealing and professional images. Here are some tips on how to optimally prepare a property for a photo session:

Thorough cleaning: Ensure that the entire property is clean. Clean floors, windows, surfaces, and all visible areas.

Remove unnecessary items: Clear away unnecessary items and personal belongings. This creates a clean, tidy appearance and allows potential buyers to better envision how they could use the space.

Arrange furniture: Arrange furniture to showcase the space optimally. Ensure that furniture does not appear cluttered, and keep pathways clear.

Optimize lighting: Utilize natural light by opening curtains and ensuring all light bulbs are functional. If necessary, you can also use additional lighting to brighten dark areas.

Add flowers and plants: Fresh flowers or indoor plants can give rooms a friendly atmosphere. Make sure they are well-maintained.

Maintain outdoor areas: If dealing with a property with a garden or outdoor space, ensure that it is well-maintained. Mow the lawn, remove weeds, and tidy up any scattered items.

Minimize personal items: Minimize personal items such as family photos or personal decorations. This enables potential buyers to better imagine how they would design the space.

Make repairs: Address visible damages such as cracks in the walls, leaking faucets, or broken tiles. A well-maintained property appears more appealing.

Pay attention to details: Pay attention to small details such as neatly folded towels in the bathroom, well-arranged cushions on the sofa, or properly placed rugs.