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Advertise real estate flexibly


You will only be billed monthly for the number of days your ads were actually online. The more days published per month, the lower the individual daily price.

Create a free user account and start creating your listing right away.

For further advice or support please contact us on +41 44 240 11 60 or use the contact form.

Example Calculator Monthly Costs FLEX

Your estimated monthly price*
921.00 CHF
Price upon request
* +CHF 20.- monthly base fee

Services included

  • Upload of up to 30 images and attachments (documents/videos)
  • Anonymous listing
  • Archiving of ads
  • Listing export
  • User management (company/branches/employee structure) configurable
  • Advanced statistics (csv form)

The billing of the insertion price is carried out at the end of each month based on the number of inserted days. The price per published day depends on the total monthly volume of insertion days.

>1’666on request
* Listing prices plus a monthly flat rate of CHF 20.

All prices in CHF excl. VAT. Subject to change without notice.

FLEX in 4 steps


Login or registration of a free user account.

Complete FLEX

Deposit of a contact and billing address.


Verification of the information and online subscription.


Confirmation mail. Online insertion is available.


To publish an advert, please proceed as followed:

  1. Click “Mein newhome”.
  2. Click “My adverts“.
  3. Click “Advertise“.

The following instructions help you to create a new advert with just a few steps:

  1. Property:
    • Enter a title.
    • Offer type, property type, sub-property type.
    • Add the location > You decide whether you want to enter only the town or also the exact address (tick “Publish street / no.”). If our marker is not set correctly, you can move it by grabing it with your mouse and placing it on the correct house. 
  2. Details:
    • Enter more detailed information about the object.
    • In the “Description” you can bring your object even closer to the searcher.
  3. Media:
    • Upload the floor plan, pictures and other documents.
      Attention: Please make sure that the documents and pictures are all object-related and that you upload at least one picture.
  4. Contact:
  5. You are almost done:
    • Select “Go to publish” and choose the term your listing should be online.
      • Optimisations:
        If you wish, you can book various optimisations here to give your ad more visibility
      • Anonymous publishing:
        Choose this in order to not show your contact details in the advert. (name and phone number)

With the FLEX subscription, the listing is online immediately after publication.

If you want to edit your advert, you need to go to you listing management area:

  1. Click “My newhome
  2. Click “My adverts
  3. Click “Manage listing” an then “Edit
  4. You can now edit the details of your listing.

It is mandatory that you click “go to publish” after editing everything you need, because otherwise your edited data will not be publishes on newhome.ch.

There is no possibility to pause a listing. You can deactivate your listing at any time and reactivate it as desired during your chosen duraction. If you would like to keep it for a longer period of time, archiving is necessary. 

A deactivated (inactive) listing will be stored in your useraccount for 30 days. If you do not reactivate or archive it, it will automatically and irrevocably deleted.

If you wish to delete or deactivate any of your listings, please follow these steps:

  1. Click “My newhome
  2. Click “My adverts
  3. Click “Manage listing” 
  4. now click “Deactivate“. Your listing will no longer be visable on newhome.ch
  5. You can either leave your listing on “inactive” for the next 30 days before it will be irrevocably deleted or click “Delete” to delete it irrevocably as per now.

Attention: Once an listing has been deleted, it is irrevocably deleted and cannot be restored!