Real estate industry

The approximately 500 real estate companies involved in newhome through Next Property AG allow newhome to get even closer to the real estate market. In doing so, these companies advocate for an independent and self-sufficient Swiss real estate industry. Both property seekers and advertisers benefit equally.

Partnerships with the cantonal banks

The 19 cantonal banks involved via NNH Holding AG are an important part of the sponsorship of newhome. On newhome, house hunters and property providers alike also benefit from the proven qualities of a cantonal bank, such as professional expertise and many years of experience in the real estate business, as well as proximity to regional market participants. This helps to ensure optimal, regional support for property owners and property seekers. Learn more

Participating cantonal banks

Logo der Aargauischen Kantonalbank AKB
Logo der Appenzeller Kantonalbank APPKB
Logo der Banca Stato
Logo der Freiburger Kantonalbank
Logo der Neuenburger Kantonalbank
Logo der Walliser Kantonalbank
Logo der Basellandschaftlichen Kantonalbank BLKB
Logo der Berner Kantonalbank BEKB
Logo der Glarner Kantonalbank
Logo der Graubündner Kantonalbank GKB
Logo der Luzerner Kantonalbank LUKB
Logo der Nidwaldner Kantonalbank NKB
Logo der Obwaldner Kantonalbank OKB
Logo der Schaffhauser Kantonalbank SHKB
Logo der St. Galler Kantonalbank SGKB
Logo der Thurgauer Kantonalbank TKB
Logo der Urner Kantonalbank UKB
Logo der Zuger Kantonalbank Zuger KB


With the participation of AXA as the leading insurance company in Switzerland, newhome users benefit from AXA’s competence and expertise in insurance matters relating to housing and real estate.